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How To:
Book Courses on Scouts.Digital

This page outlines the procedure needed to book courses through Scouts.Digital for Scouts. At the time of writing, parents do not have the functionality to book their children on courses through their own parent account, and so all course booking needs to be done through the Scout’s account. For more information please see our Introduction to Scouts.Digital page.


Booking a Course


  • First login to Scouts.Digital via the web address: You should have received an email from Scouts.Digital containing your login information. This is the login page:





















  • Once you login, you will need to reset your password. After that, you will be greeted by your dashboard (yours might look slightly different). To book a course, click on the “Training” tab under “Management” on the left-hand side of the page: 





















  • Next, select the “Book Training” tab:





















  • You will then be taken to a page containing all of the courses on offer. Look through the options and find the course you wish to book yourself on – make sure the course is in the correct province! Then click “Book Now”:





















  • You will then be taken to this page:





















  • Fill in all the requested details, scroll down to the bottom and select “Book Course Now” and the bottom right:





















  • You should then receive an email confirming that you’ve booked the course along with further information and payment information:


























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