​2nd Rondebosch Scout Group is an active all-boys Scout group in Rondebosch, Cape Town.
The Scouts (ages 11-17) have weekly meetings on Thursday evenings from 6:30pm - 8:30pm.
The Cubs (ages 7-11) meet on Wednesday evenings from 5:30pm - 7:00pm.
We meet at our hall and grounds and are always open to new Cubs and Scouts.
Interested and want to learn more?
Scouting at 2nd Rondebosch

We run an active, instructed, and fun program where the boys learn everything from first aid to cooking to leadership while building catapults, playing active strategy games, building friendships, and continuing a proud 110+ year history.
In addition to the weekly meetings, we have regular weekend activities, which include hiking, kloofing, camping, kayaking, surfing, snow seeking and every outdoor adventure in-between, from Table Mountain to Mozambique! Don't believe us? Check out our past events page!
Want to check it all out? Feel free to contact us and come along on a Thursday evening to see if 2nd Rondebosch is the right fit for you.

The Scout Movement is a world leader in educating youth.
Scouting inspires patriotism, sound moral values, courage, character-building, self-reliance and community awareness.
It also motivates our young people to achieve their full potential.